Not all artists are Chess players, but all Chess players are artists.
This is the best physical engine based chess game.
======= Features =======
- You can place pieces freely!
- You can play "Fairy Chess" (Chess Variant)!
- Real time Physics Engine!
- Advanced beautiful 3D graphics!
- Two player game!
- 3D and 2D board!
* Please select a "LOW" in Setting when running so slow.
* Internal Access Only for the sake of Screen Shot using in the Twitter and Facebook.
If you do not post it does not have access.
* This app does not dare to limit the performance.
Quality of simulation depends on the performance of your terminal.
I appreciate your understanding in this matter.
* Currently, online mode is under development.
Chess is like war on a board. The goal is to defeat opponent's mind.
Chess is beautiful enough to waste your life for.
No todos los artistas son jugadores de ajedrez, pero todos los jugadores de ajedrez son artistas.
Este es el mejor juego de ajedrez basado motor de física.
======= ======= Características
- Puede colocar las piezas libremente!
- Se puede jugar "Hada de Ajedrez" (variante del ajedrez)!
- En tiempo real motor de física!
- Advanced unos gráficos en 3D!
- Juego de dos jugadores!
- 3D y 2D bordo!
Nota ========= ==========
* Por favor, seleccione un "BAJO" Configuración cuando se ejecuta en modo lento.
* Sólo acceso interno en aras de la captura de pantalla utilizando en el Twitter y Facebook.
Si no lo presente no tiene acceso.
* Esta aplicación no se atreve a limitar el rendimiento.
Calidad de la simulación depende del rendimiento de su terminal.
Agradezco su comprensión en este asunto.
* En la actualidad, el modo en línea se encuentra en desarrollo.
El ajedrez es como la guerra en un tablero. El objetivo es derrotar a la mente del oponente.
El ajedrez es lo suficientemente bonita que perder su vida por.
Not all artists are Chess players, but all Chess players are artists.
This is the best physical engine based chess game.
======= Features =======
- You can place pieces freely!
- You can play "Fairy Chess" (Chess Variant)!
- Real time Physics Engine!
- Advanced beautiful 3D graphics!
- Two player game!
- 3D and 2D board!
* Please select a "LOW" in Setting when running so slow.
* Internal Access Only for the sake of Screen Shot using in the Twitter and Facebook.
If you do not post it does not have access.
* This app does not dare to limit the performance.
Quality of simulation depends on the performance of your terminal.
I appreciate your understanding in this matter.
* Currently, online mode is under development.
Chess is like war on a board. The goal is to defeat opponent's mind.
Chess is beautiful enough to waste your life for.